+ journal

303, 2014

Getting to know Proscenium’s employees!

March 3rd, 2014|All, Uncategorized|

Name?  - Ivan Kuptsov Where were you born?  - Moscow, Russia Where did you go to school? Why? – Moscow (Moscow Institute of Architecture) and Vancouver (School of Architecture and Landscape Architecture UBC). Moscow Institute of Architecture because it is the best architecture school available in the country. School of Architecture and Landscape Architecture UBC because I wanted to come to Vancouver, specifically because it is

1712, 2013

Guest Blogger: Jeff Bohnen, MEC

December 17th, 2013|Uncategorized, Architecture, Design, Company News, All|

We are so excited to have Jeff Bohnen, Office Services Manager at MEC back as a guest blogger.  Please read on for some insight into the process of bringing the new MEC head office to life. After years of continued expansion, MEC has simply outgrown our existing Head Office space. Creative solutions to increase our capacity – increasing density by removing separation panels to create open,

1012, 2013

Shovels in the Ground at Langara

December 10th, 2013|Uncategorized, All|

Ground has been broken on the new Langara College Sciences and Student Services Building, the ground breaking ceremony being held this past Thursday, December 5th.  Work continues to finalize construction documents with an anticipated construction start date in early 2014.

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