+ journal

606, 2017

The 27th Energia Contest recognizes Pageau Morel!

June 6th, 2017|Design, Architecture, Awards, All|

The 27th Energia Contest recognizes excellence in Quebecois achievements and celebrates local genius in matters of energy efficiency in categories related to building, technological innovations, industrial processes and manufacturing, transportation, integrated design and greenhouse gas emissions reduction. Pageau Morel was recognized as the electrical and mechanical engineering firm on the design team of MEC’s Head Office, which was designed using an integrated design process involving

1811, 2016

Canadian Architect article on climate change

November 18th, 2016|Architecture, Design, All|

"Proscenium Architecture + Interiors designed Mountain Equipment Co-op’s Vancouver headquarters to underscore the company’s sustainability agenda, using daylighting and advanced air control systems that allow it to be 70 percent more energy efficient than a conventional office building." -Canadian Architect Magazine Photo by Ed White Photographics https://www.canadianarchitect.com/features/the-heat-is-on/

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