Hugh Cochlin featured in The Irish Times

March 19, 2025

In a new article for The Irish Times, “What Ireland could learn from Canada about how to enhance its cities,” Chris McCormack spoke with our Principal Hugh Cochlin on designing bespoke arts spaces in new developments.

Dublin is facing challenges akin to Vancouver where increasing density is decreasing the availability of cultural venues and workspace.

The article looks at a specific example in Dublin, the Trivoli Theatre, which was demolished and has yet to see a replacement facility. McCormack and Cochlin discussed a couple of Proscenium’s projects, including La Maison de Francophonie (theatre in a new development under construction) and our BMO Theatre Centre, a successful example of collaboration between arts groups, developer, and local/national government support.

Cochlin remarked that Dublin is in a position similar to where Vancouver was 20 years ago–governments are requiring new developments to include cultural space in their designs, but these shell spaces are not always ideal. Engaging arts groups early enough to plan for specific fit-out needs is paramount (so you don’t end up with columns on the stage). In Vancouver, we mitigated this issue by allowing developers bonus density for working with an arts group from the outset.

The full article can be viewed by subscription here.