PAI Team: Meet Justin, Senior Architectural Designer
February 21, 2023
Meet the PAI Team: Introducing Justin Huang!
Justin joined Proscenium in 2022 as a Senior Architectural Designer. Justin’s MO is to create inspiring architectural spaces that enrich the people and organizations that use them. He has a diverse portfolio that includes worked internationally on projects in New York, L.A., Shanghai, Xiamen and his home haunt, Vancouver.
Where were you born?
Vancouver, BC.
How did you get into architecture?
Buildings have always fascinated me ever since I was a kid.
What class in school has proven to be the least useful?
Only the ones I haven’t taken, I always enjoy learning something new!
What is the best building of all time?
Zumthor’s Therme Vals was a very memorable pilgrimage I’d like to return to.
Your favourite restaurant in Vancouver is…
Definitely one of Vancouver’s highlights is the variety of cuisine, I enjoy the chance to mix things up. But Ask for Luigi is a good one!
You never leave home without…
Some type of camera, often a pen and notebook.
Your Great Escape would be to…
A performance at Sydney’s Phoenix Central Park.
What single piece of technology makes your life easier?
My music player.
If you were an animal what animal would you be?
Can I choose two? An eagle to explore the skies, a whale to explore the oceans.
What word do you have trouble saying?
We are lucky to have Justin on the team. Since he joined the firm, he’s become indispensable on a number of mixed-use residential and commercial projects. Outside of work, you can find Justin practicing photography, hiking in all seasons, skiing and cycling!