Meet Chloe, Junior Architectural Graduate!
November 15, 2022
We are very glad to welcome Chloe to Proscenium! Chloe hails from France and has hit the ground running working on several projects.
Where were you born?
In a small town in North East France.
How did you get into interior design?
Since I was a kid I’ve always been into design and creative stuff. I was actually first attracted to interior design, but at that time I’ve been told that to achieve it I should go to architecture school. Finally I ended up liking architecture more!
What class in school has proven to be the least useful?
I could say mathematics, especially high school level, but I will 100% say philosophy. I always hated it in high school, and I was devastated when I found out I will have 2 more years of it in architecture school.
What is the best building of all time?
The Oslo Opera House by Snohetta. Or any building by Snohetta. Or any building in Oslo!
Your favourite restaurant in Vancouver is…
I’m totally new to the city, I don’t know any yet!
You never leave home without…
Your Great Escape would be to…
Earlier I would have said Alaska, but now that I’ve been there I would say New Zealand.
What single piece of technology makes your life easier?
I didn’t know I could miss a software that much, but now that I’m getting familiar with Revit I realize how much Archicad used to make my life SO MUCH easier.
If you were an animal what animal would you be?
A crow, because I like their goofy walk and it would be awesome to fly
What word do you have trouble saying?
As a native French speaker, any word that involves multiple “R”, like “mirror” or “rural.”
We are lucky to have Chloe on our internationally diverse team at Proscenium!