PAI Team: Meet Barbara, Junior Interior Designer!
October 19, 2023
Introducing Barbara Svarc!
We are very glad to introduce Barbara, the newest member of PAI! Barbara joined Proscenium this summer as a Junior Interior Designer after graduating from BCIT’s interior design program.
Where were you born?
I was born in Zadar, Croatia.
How did you get into interior design?
I got into interior design after deciding to stop studying criminology. I was always interested in art and fashion and after some research into possible carriers I stumbled across interior design.
What class in school has proven to be the least useful?
The least useful class was Marketing.
What is the best building of all time?
The best building of all time is Church of St. Donatus in Zadar.
Your favourite restaurant in Vancouver is…
My favorite restaurant in Vancouver is Nuba in Gastown.
You never leave home without…
I never leave home without a compact mirror.
Your Great Escape would be to…
My great escape would be the Canary Islands.
What single piece of technology makes your life easier?
My phone!
If you were an animal what animal would you be?
I would be a striped dolphin because I love the water and exploring.
What word do you have trouble saying?
I have trouble saying salmon.