242 West 6th Site Visit
January 18, 2021
This beautiful heritage house at 242 West 6th is coming together, with the roof complete, windows in, and the shingle cladding being installed. The renovation/restoration project is about 80% built, with estimated completion for Spring 2021.
The project will really come together over the next couple months as attention is turned to tiling, millwork, painting, site work and landscaping.
The project converts The Witton Residence, formerly a single-family home, into a duplex, with a full suite in one side and an infill house on the lane. A site that housed one family will now house four, keeping in line with the goal of densification for neighbourhoods near downtown.
The project went through a rezoning and a heritage review. The design will maintain the heritage value of the house and its expression on the exterior, while adding a new addition that complements (but doesn’t mimic) the original cladding. Some original elements have been restored, including stained glass windows, existing shingle siding, a belly-band and bell curve skirt on the shingles. An exploration into the historical paint of the building confirmed a colour scheme of Comox Green, Dunbar Buff and Stratchcona Red for the window trim, which will be matched. The house has gorgeous views down the hill to downtown.