Langara Bioinformatics Lab

The newly completed Bioinformatics Lab at Langara College is a molecular lab with a built-in tissue culture lab. Proscenium worked with Langara to create a unique facility for teaching upper level biology with built-in infrastructure to have industry professionals work on extended research projects. The project includes the science lab, faculty offices, two hotel-ing office stations for visiting scientists and a state-of-the-art computer lab. Five Virtual Reality stations allow users to build 3D models of enzymes, proteins and other molecular structures as a tool for teaching and research.

Proscenium’s design is functional and modern, fulfilling the needs of an academic science lab by integrating special building services such as access to water, compressed air, fume hoods, filters and methods of disposing chemicals.

CLIENT: Langara College
LOCATION: Vancouver, BC
SIZE: 2221 ft2