PAI Team: Meet Myrian, Junior Interior Designer!
July 5, 2023
Introducing Myrian Oculam!
We are very glad to welcome Myrian to the team at Proscenium. A new graduate from BCIT’s Bachelor of Interior Design, Myrian joined the firm in May as a Junior Interior Designer. So far at Proscenium, she has focused on institutional, commercial/office and multi-residential projects.
Myrian loves designing meaningful spaces that the public can enjoy. Outside of work, she enjoys traveling, hosting elaborate dinner parties with friends and trying new recipes.
Where were you born?
I was born in Kelowna, BC.
How did you get into interior design?
I first became interested during an architecture elective class in high school!
What class in school has proven to be the least useful?
Definitely when I had to take random electives during my undergraduate degree that had no relation to my degree.
What is the best building of all time?
I can’t pick, there are so many!
Your favourite restaurant in Vancouver is…
Nightingale and Rodney’s Oyster House.
You never leave home without…
My phone and rings!
Your Great Escape would be to…
In the countryside in a villa with a pool or a lake in France or Italy.
What single piece of technology makes your life easier?
My iPad!
If you were an animal what animal would you be?
A hummingbird.
What word do you have trouble saying?